To my dear are one of the most wonderful and brave people I have ever known, so many love you. Keep fighting Charlie!!
Charles E. Brown
August 4, 1956 - November 17, 2010
Team Charlie Brown has it's own blog now and there are lots of great items you can purchase. A portion of the proceeds will go to support team Charlie Brown's effort to help the American Cancer Society to stamp out this killer for good!
Please take a moment to look at the blog...some pretty cool stuff!
I visited Kim and Charlie over the weekend. Charlie is really having a lot of back pain, most likely due to the lesions on his spine. He was...
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Relay For Life Event May 21-22, 2010 ~ Wissahickon Valley Pa.
Teams "Charlie Brown" are a tribute to our very own,the late Charles Brown. We are in this battle along with so many others who are in their own war against cancer.
At Relay our teams will camp out overnight and take turns walking around the track to raise money and awareness benefiting the American Cancer Society. By donating to our team, you will be a part of a life-changing event that gives everyone in the community a chance to celebrate the lives of people who have battled cancer, remember loved ones lost, and fight back against a disease that takes too much.
Please make a donation and help us create a world where cancer can no longer claim another year of anyone’s life.
Thank you for your love and support but mostly for the hope you have given to those in the battle and to those who do not yet know they will have to fight against cancer.
1. MAKE A DATE and stick to it. Draw up a plan of action, considering what methods are available to you.
2. KEEP BUSY to help take your mind off cigarettes. Throw away all your ashtrays, lighters and tobacco.
3. DRINK PLENTY OF FLUIDS - keep a glass of water or juice by you and sip it steadily. Try different flavours.
4. GET MORE ACTIVE - Walk instead of using the bus or car. Try the stairs instead of the lift. Exercise helps you relax and can boost your morale.
5. THINK POSITIVE - Withdrawal can be unpleasant, bit it is a sign your body is recovering from the effects of tobacco. Irritability, urges to smoke and poor concentration are common - don't worry, they usually disappear after a few of weeks.
6. CHANGE YOUR ROUTINE - Try to avoid the shop you usually buy cigarettes. Perhaps you should avoid the pub or the break room at work if there are lots of smokers around you. Try doing something totally different. Surprise yourself!
7. NO EXCUSES - Don't use a crisis or even good news to be an excuse for "just one cigarette" there is no such thing - you will soon want the next and the next....
8. TREAT YOURSELF - This is important. If you can, use the money you are saving by not smoking to buy yourself something special - big or small - that you usually would not have.
9. BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU EAT - Try not to snack on fatty foods. If you do need to snack, try fruit, raw vegetables or sugar free gum or sweets.
10. TAKE ONE DAY AT A TIME - each day without a cigarette is good news for your health, your family..and your pocket.