Kim just called me from Charlie's chemo session and they received the results from the MRI....and it turns out that the spot on his spine which was a cause for concern for the doctor turns out to simply be an arthritis!! Great news!!!
In addition Charlie will only have to go back for the Avastin infusion...all other treatments he is finished with so no more chemo and no more radiation at this point. Dr. Potz believes that there is no reason not to expect Charlie to continue responding to treatment. In fact, when Charlie told Dr. Potz that he gets a little winded when climbing up the stairs, the doctors response was that he is impressed that Charlie is as active as he is. He said most people getting this load of heavy drugs usually don't want to do anything...heck Charlie is out playing 18 holes of golf!!!
So as of today Charlie is to get a CAT scan in 3 weeks to see what everything looks like as far as response to treatment. Then, in one month, he will go back to see Dr. Potz and get the scan results. Also he was told he can cut the steroids pills in half, only taking half a pill a day, starting tomorrow and in one week he can cut it back again by taking half a pill every other day!!!
As per the treatment for Charlie before the Relay for Life in May so I would expect him to be in attendance for the event!!!
Kim and Charlie are very happy about the news today but he is still not in a "remission" yet...we just need to keep the prayers and well wishes headed in their direction.
As I sign off I want to thank you so much for all the prayers
"Once you choose hope anything is possible"... Christopher Reeves